User account panel

The User account panel is located in the top right corner of the GPS-server workspace, providing users with easy access to manage and monitor their account information and settings.


This panel offers a convenient access point to several key functions and features, including language selection, billing management, personal account management, mobile version access, and the log out option. By utilizing this panel, you can easily navigate and manage the various aspects of your account in a streamlined and efficient manner.


Enables changing of the software language, with over 40 languages available.


Grant access to the Control panel.


Opens Billing menu where user can purchase plans and activate devices.


Provides information about user account.


Opens GPS-server mobile version.


Logout from GPS-server user account.


Billing section allows to purchase Personal account subscription plans and activate objects.

To access the Billing menu, press billing button in User account panel.


Purchase plan

To purchase a new plan, follow these steps:

  • Press the plus button at the bottom left of the billing window.

  • The Purchase Plan window will be displayed.

  • Click on cart icon next to the desired plan.

  • After purchase, the plan will automatically appear on the user account.


Activate objects

To activate objects, follow these steps:

  • On available plan press use_plan button.

  • Billing plan window will appear.

  • Mark entries which should be activated by clicking checkbox on the left.


  • Mark entries which should be activated by clicking checkbox on the left.

  • Press tasks Activate button at the top right corner.


Please note!

Once the purchased plan is assigned to your account, the licenses can be used at any time, they don't expire. The object is active for one year from the activation date.

If the activated object is no longer needed after a certain period of time, you can safely delete it. The license won't be lost, it'll be automatically returned to the billing area, including the remaining period.